Vocabulary for the Dutch -Flemish GR5 Trail

Alphabetical Listing

(see below for listing by parts of speech)

Note:  “je” at the end of a word is a diminutive, i.e. it adds the idea of small or little.
Note:  many words are the combination of two separate words, for example “forestpath”, where in English we would say “forest path”.
Note: some adjectives change spelling when used with feminine nouns, e.g. “breed” and “brede”. Others just add an “e” to the end of the adjective.
a = adjective, adv = adverb, c  = conjunction, blank = noun, p = preposition , pn= pronoun, v = verb
(naar) beneden (go) downstairs adv
aanhouden to continue
abdij abbey
accommodatie accommodations
achter behind
achterkant back, backside adv
af off
akker field
asfalt ashfalt
bank, bankje bench or bank
bed and breakfast guest room, b&b
beding circumstance, proviso
beton concrete
bewegwijzering, trail marking, waymarking
bij by
blauw blue
blijf stay
blijven to stay, to keep
bocht bend
boerderi farm
boom, (plural: bomen) tree
bos, bosrand forest, forest edge
boven, bovenaan above, upwards
breed, brede broad, wide
brug bridge
buiten (de GR spoor) off the GR trail
bus bus
bushalte busstop
busstation bus station
daar there, over there
daarna then adv
dadelijk immediately adv
dagetappe daily stages (to overnight)
dalen to descend
dam dam
dan then, subsequently adv
dan than
deze this
dezelfde same
dijk dike ,dam, embankment
doodlopend dead end
door through
doorlopen to move, to continue
draai, draaien turn, to turn
dreef avenue
driesprong fork (in road) with 3 arms
einde end
en and
even just adv
fietspad bike path
fort fort
ga door continue
ga, ga naar go, go to, go towards
gaat, gaan goes, to go
gare (French) railway station
gebouw building
geel, gele yellow
geen no, none
gehucht hamlet
gemeenschapshuis communal lodging
glad, gladde slippery
gracht, slotgracht canal, moat
gras grass
grenspaal border pole (nations)
greppel ditch
grind gravel
groen green
haarspeldbochten in switchbacks
half bestraat partially paved
handwijzer pointing hand
heiligdom shrine
hek fence
hek gate
helling slope
het the
heuvel hill
heuvelend hilly
heuvelrug ridge
hoek angle
hond (plural: honden) dog
hoogte height, altitude
hou, houden keep, to keep, hold
houten wooden
huis, huisje, huisnummer house, house number
ijzeren iron
inhalen to overtake, to pass
jachthaven marina
je on end of word: small
je, jij you (familiar) pn
Jeker a small river in Maastricht
kasteel castle
kei, keienpad stone, stone path
kerk church
kies, kiezen choose, to choose
klaphek gate (folding)
klif cliff
klim, klimmen climb, to climb
komt uit (bij) comes out (at)
kronkelend meandering
kruin crown, top of
kruis cross
kruising junction, crossroad
kruispunt intersection
laag, lage low
laar clearing
landgoed manor, estate
landschap landscape
langs along
later later adv
linkerkant left hand side
links left
linksaf turn left
loop, lopen walk, to walk
maar but
manege stable, riding school
markering trail marking, waymarking
mee along, with it
met with
meter meter
muur wall
na after
naar to
nadien subsequently adv
neem, nemen (een weg) take (a road, etc.)
negeren to ignore, to disregard
niet not adv
nog still, yet adv
noord north
omheining fence
omhoog up, upwards adv
onder under, underneath
onderneming venture
ongeveer approximately
onverhard unpaved
onverharde weg minor road, dirt road
onverharde weg, zandweg rough dirt road
ook also, too,  either adv, c
oosten east
op on, at
opnieuw again adv
oranje orange
overkant other side
oversteken to cross over (a road)
oversteken, steek over to cross, cross (a road)
paadje path (small)
paal # location pole #
pad trail
parkeerterrein parking lot
plaats place
plein square, plaza
poort, poortje gate
purper, violet purple, violet
rand edge
rechtdoor, rechtuit straight ahead, straight
rechts right
rechtsaf turn right
rijweg carriage-way, road
rood, rode red
rotonde traffic circle, roundabout
rots rock
rotsachtig, met rotsen  (rocky, stone-surfaced)
rotsstapel rockpile that marks trail
route route
ruim more than adv
samenkomst joining together point
schietveld shooting range
schuilplaats shelter
schuin sideways, diagonally a, adv
slagboom barrier
slik, plural slikken mudflat
sloot ditch
smal, smalle narrow
sommige some
spoor. sporen rail track, tracks
station railroad station
steeds keep
steeds rechtdoor continue straight ahead
steen stone
stervormig star-shaped
stijgend rising
straat street
streepjes dashes ( line on map)
strook, strookje strip
stroom stream, river
talud embankment
tegel tile
tegenover elkaar opposite each other
toegang tot — access to —
top summit
tot until
trail trail
trap stairs
treurwilg weeping willow tree
tunnel tunnel
tussen between, among
tweede second (#)
you (formal) pn
uitlopen walk out
vallei valley
van from
vanaf from
variatie variation
veerooster cattle guard (grill)
veld field, pasture, meadow
veldweg, zandweg earth road
verboden forbidden
verder farther, further adv
verder further (down)
verderop dan further down than
verkeer, verkeerslicht(en) traffic, traffic light(s)
verkeerde richting wrong way
verplaatsbare movable
vertrekt, vertrekken leaves, to leave
vervolgen to continue
vijver pond
vistrap fish ladder
voet, voetpad foot, pedestrian path
voetganger pedestrian
vogelkijkhut birdwatching hut
volgt, volgen follows, to follow
voor before, in front of
voorangsweg priority
voorbij past, beyond
voord, voorde ford
voorjaar spring
voorraad supplies
wandelboom post marking hiking paths
waterkering weir
waterloopje watercourse
waterval waterfall
weg road
weide, weiland meadow
wellicht perhaps adv
wenden in de richting van de pijl turn in direction of arrow
west west
westen west
wit, witte white
woonwijk residential area
wordt becomes, is
zand sand
zandweg dirt road
zee, zeeweg sea, seaway
zie sees
zuiden south
zwart black

List by Parts of Speech

blauw blue
breed, brede broad, wide
deze this
dezelfde same
geel, gele yellow
geen no, none
glad, gladde slippery
groen green
haarspeldbochten in switchbacks
half bestraat partially paved
het the
heuvelend hilly
houten wooden
ijzeren iron
je on end of word: small
kronkelend meandering
laag, lage low
ongeveer approximately
onverhard unpaved
oranje orange
purper, violet purple, violet
rood, rode red
rotsachtig, met rotsen  (rocky, stone-surfaced)
smal, smalle narrow
sommige some
stervormig star-shaped
stijgend rising
toegang tot — access to —
tweede second (#)
verboden forbidden
vervolgt continues
verplaatsbare movable
wit, witte white




achterkant back, backside
(naar) beneden (go) downstairs
daarna then
dadelijk immediately
dan then, subsequently
even just
later later
nadien subsequently
niet not
nog still, yet
ook also, too,  either
omhoog up, upwards
opnieuw again
ruim more than
schuin sideways, diagonally
verder farther, further
wellicht perhaps
en and
maar but
dan than
veldweg, zandweg earth road
abdij abbey
accommodatie accommodations
akker field
asfalt ashfalt
bank, bankje bench or bank
bed and breakfast guest room, b&b
beding circumstance, proviso
beton concrete
bewegwijzering, trail marking, waymarking
bocht bend
boerderi farm
boom, (plural: bomen) tree
bos, bosrand forest, forest edge
brug bridge
bus bus
bushalte busstop
busstation bus station
laar clearing
daar there, over there
dagetappe daily stages (to overnight)
dam dam
dijk dike ,dam, embankment
doodlopend dead end
dreef avenue
driesprong fork (in road) with 3 arms
einde end
fietspad bike path
fort fort
gebouw building
gehucht hamlet
gemeenschapshuis communal lodging
gracht, slotgracht canal, moat
gare (French) railway station
gras grass
grenspaal border pole (nations)
greppel ditch
grind gravel
handwijzer pointing hand
hek fence
helling slope
heuvel hill
heuvelrug ridge
hoek angle
hond (plural: honden) dog
hoogte height, altitude
huis, huisje, huisnummer house, house number
jachthaven marina
Jeker a small river in Maastricht
kasteel castle
kei, keienpad stone, stone path
kerk church
klaphek gate (folding)
klif cliff
kruin crown, top of
kruising junction, crossroad
kruispunt intersection
landschap landscape
landgoed manor, estate
linkerkant left hand side
links left
manege stable, riding school
markering trail marking, waymarking
meter meter
muur wall
noord north
omheining fence
onderneming venture
onverharde weg minor road, dirt road
oosten east
overkant other side
paadje path (small)
paal # location pole #
pad trail
parkeerterrein parking lot
plaats place
plein square, plaza
poort, poortje gate
rand edge
rechts right
rijweg carriage-way, road
rotonde traffic circle, roundabout
rots rock
rotsstapel rockpile that marks trail
route route
onverharde weg, zandweg rough dirt road
samenkomst joining together point
zandweg dirt road
heiligdom shrine
schietveld shooting range
schuilplaats shelter
slik, plural slikken mudflat
slagboom barrier
sloot ditch
spoor. sporen rail track, tracks
station railroad station
steen stone
streepjes dashes ( line on map)
straat street
strook, strookje strip
stroom stream, river
voorraad supplies
talud embankment
tegel tile
tunnel tunnel
top summit
trail trail
trap stairs
treurwilg weeping willow tree
vallei valley
variatie variation
veerooster cattle guard (grill)
veld field, pasture, meadow
verkeerde richting wrong way
verkeer, verkeerslicht(en) traffic, traffic light(s)
vijver pond
vistrap fish ladder
voet, voetpad foot, pedestrian path
voetganger pedestrian
vogelkijkhut birdwatching hut
voord, voorde ford
voorjaar spring
voorangsweg priority
wandelboom post marking hiking paths
waterkering weir
waterloopje watercourse
waterval waterfall
westen west
weg road
weide, weiland meadow
west west
woonwijk residential area
zand sand
zee, zeeweg sea, seaway
zuiden south
achter behind
verder further (down)
af off
bij by
boven, bovenaan above, upwards
buiten (de GR spoor) off the GR trail
door through
tegenover elkaar opposite each other
mee along, with it
met with
na after
naar to
onder under, underneath
op on, at
rechtdoor, rechtuit straight ahead, straight
tot until
tussen between, among
van from
vanaf from
verderop dan further down than
voor before, in front of
voorbij past, beyond
je, jij you (familiar)
you (formal)
aanhouden to continue
blijf stay
blijven to stay, to keep
kruis cross
dalen to descend
langs along
draai, draaien turn, to turn
doorlopen to move, to continue
ga, ga naar go, go to, go towards
gaat, gaan goes, to go
ga door continue
hou, houden keep, to keep, hold
kies, kiezen choose, to choose
klim, klimmen climb, to climb
komt uit (bij) comes out (at)
linksaf turn left
loop, lopen walk, to walk
neem, nemen (een weg) take (a road, etc.)
negeren to ignore, to disregard
oversteken to cross over (a road)
inhalen to overtake, to pass
rechtsaf turn right
steeds keep
steeds rechtdoor continue straight ahead
oversteken, steek over to cross, cross (a road)
uitlopen walk out
vervolgen to continue
vertrekt, vertrekken leaves, to leave
volgt, volgen follows, to follow
wenden in de richting van de pijl turn in direction of arrow
wordt becomes, is
zie sees